Saturday, February 19, 2011

Factors That Cause Lack of Sleep .. :(

Hi everybody :) ..

I want to talk about something that happening to me many times :( luck of sleep ..

      Sleep is one of the most important activities in our life where people gather energy which they lose during the day, but some people have lack of sleep by several factors. Nowadays, the main factor that causes lack of sleep among students is study. Because requirements in universities are high, students have to study not only at day but also at night periods. Therefore, studying most off the night, the students sleep less time than they should. Moreover, student doesn’t sleep at night during the finals because the materials that they have to review are a lot. Furthermore, lack of sleep can be among high school students, as well. There are many high schools that give student a lot of homework. Although they don’t study all night, just until midnight, it can cause lack of sleep because they are much younger, and they need to sleep more than adults. Another major cause is work. Many people get additional jobs in order to earn money for their families, not thinking about themselves. They work in several places during the same day, which makes them tired, so they work until late night. After coming home late they don’t sleep instantly because they need to eat food, finish some house work and watch TV. Going to the bed almost in the morning, they don’t have enough time to sleep because in the morning they have to go to work again. People might have lack of sleep because of stresses that they had before. Some people have stress because they are sick with serious illness, so thinking about this, they stop sleeping at night time. For example, when the doctors say about lethal illness, definitely this fact will cause lack of sleep. An argument with a friend is also reason that people have stress and don’t sleep at night. Others don’t sleep at night because of the death of someone close to you. In addition, coffee that very popular all over the world is cause of lack of sleep. Many people drink coffee during the day, so because of caffeine in it that make your heart work faster, they can’t sleep at night time. In fact, drinking coffee during the day is becoming habit among modern people. Finally, coming a new baby, though it is a happy moment in anybody’s life, is also reason that causes lack of sleep, especially among women because usually mothers take care of children. When a baby comes, the mother of the baby doesn’t sleep too, soothing her baby all night 


Friday, February 4, 2011

San Francicso :) ..

        six months age I and my friends went to San Francisco . It was very nice trip . We went there by a car on highway 1 ; when you drive in that highway,you see the mountains in the right side and the sea in the left side that makes you fell amazing . Upon arriving there, we noticed that the whether was in a perfect condition . After that, being hungry, we started to look for a place where we can eat and enjoy at the same time. Fortunately, we found the Arabic restaurant where we eat our traditional food, Kabsa . Kabsa is the famous food in the Middle East , it contains rice and meat . The second day, we began to observe side seeing of the city. The first on hour list was the Golden Gate Bridge , which is the most famous edifice in the United States . In fact, from my childhood I wanted to see that bridge because I saw it a lot on TV that gave me a motivation to go there . I'm very happy that my dream became real . Other none-less important place in San Francisco is the world famous jail Alcatraz. why that place was important for me is that the jail Alcatraz was the most strict jail in the world . In conclusion, we had a nice trip which is still in my memory , I think that I will visit it again because it is wonderful place where you can enjoy and relaxe .